iOS 17.5 Beta Resolves Jerusalem Flag Prediction Bug

Apple's latest iOS 17.5 developer beta addresses an autocorrect glitch involving the unexpected appearance of the Palestinian flag when typing 'Jerusalem'.

iOS 17.5 Beta Resolves Jerusalem Flag Prediction Bug
21-04-2024 03:48

Apple has swiftly responded to user feedback with the release of the second developer beta of iOS 17.5, which corrects a previously reported bug in the predictive text feature. The issue, first noticed in iOS 17.4.1, involved the predictive text system displaying the Palestinian flag when users typed the word "Jerusalem" in iMessage and emoji search, particularly for those using British English.

The bug quickly sparked a significant social media outcry, with users expressing concerns over potential antisemitism, reflecting the sensitive nature of the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Apple acknowledged the issue soon after it was reported and promised a fix in the forthcoming update.

With the latest iOS 17.5 beta, Apple has delivered on its promise, eliminating the controversial autocorrect suggestion and ensuring that the predictive text system functions as intended without unintended political implications.

The update is part of Apple's ongoing efforts to refine its software, relying on advanced machine learning techniques to analyze vast amounts of text data. Such systems, while generally improving user experience, can sometimes produce unexpected results, as was the case here.

Apple advises developers and testers to continue providing feedback on this and other issues as further betas and official updates are rolled out.

